May 31, 2017
Some dear friends made their way to our neck of the woods today and tonight I am still feeling the warmth that old friends stir. Part of me in denial as the children that brought us together are close to turning 21. Graduating from college?! And from the roots of those days of looking for adventures together at the park, playground, Crayola factory, or beach…we are off to new adventures with some detours of experience. Health speed bumps, loss of loved ones, new careers, retirement, and travels near and far. And somehow those roots provide the ability to pick up where we left off and savor the hours together. A different kind of play date that never seemed possible when nap time was a necessary and awaited for oasis in our days.
There is something special about the people you raise your kids with and learn about being parents together. And even as the kids go their separate ways, the bond of the course work that parenting thrusts upon you ready or not is a firm foundation for relationships that sometimes continue to flourish and sometimes slip away.
The days of birthday parties and Halloween parades a springboard for our time to connect about our own interests and exploring. Lucky for me, a pastry chef wants to explore her area of expertise and I happen to know my way through that tour. Even luckier for us was her willing and good natured husband along for the ride. And while the hours passed quickly (time flies when you are having fun), our empty nest backpack of wisdom somehow shifts the clock. Enjoying the intersection of hours and old friendship with some delicious treats and simple task of presence and connection. “Make life sweeter…”
xo, b
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