February 18, 2018 (day 5)
This exercise of evening reflection such a gift and still a stretch when it is tempting to put my head on the pillow. And yet there is something to keeping my word and knowing ultimately that these words are for me. A connect the dots over the next few weeks that I am showing up for, dot by dot, drawing the line from one to the next that will take time to reveal the bigger picture. I do love Sundays. I spent many Sundays working and loved that too, but for now I get to spend them with a family I continue to get to know and grow with. Some people like solitude, and at times I do, but there is a magical quality to doing things with intention together. So many things coming to mind as I write that. I am always plugged into physical activity more acutely when I am a part of a bigger movement or energy. Be it burpees, yoga, spinning, singing, walking, knitting and even prayer. With time and practice, they all carry a deeper level of meaning and connection when shared with others. One or many.
I go on Sundays to listen to the music, hear the words, fill my tank and to be present with others. I don’t go with any expectation except that I will leave with at least a nugget of awareness I did not have before. This morning it was in the sermon. A quote from Mother Teresa so beautifully tied into the minister’s gorgeous and descriptive story, “I used to believe that prayer changes things, but I now know that prayer changes us and we change things.” Which reminds me of the connection to the well known Serenity Prayer that has had great meaning in my journey. Discerning between what I can and cannot change, asking for courage to take action as well as wisdom to know when I need to be still. Or hands off. In acceptance of what is.
Sunday morning is a bit like an amazing cruise ship (I have never actually been on a cruise, to be honest.) Something for everyone. And a crew that is working together to do some beautiful things in the world and one another’s lives. And still a big curve ball this morning as a friend shares a big challenge…and I pause to ask why. Why, why, why? Which is WHY I need this ship.
I snapped this postcard photo over near Fenway Park running errands one recent afternoon. I was in motion and in list mode…and there on the door the words jumped out, “LOVE PREVAILS”. I walked by and I circled back to take a second look. Paying attention, these moments filter into my Serenity Prayer Mother Teresa Mary Poppins bag of wisdom. These words are a postcard if I let them be, even if a few days later when I take them out and know my actions, choices, attitudes, make them so.
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