February 16, 2018 (day 3)
Okay. It’s Friday night and my first thought is…”only day 3?” What to share about a day that felt pretty ordinary. I did get to talk to our traveling son which was nice. Except for connecting the dots that we have a much closer connection to the events on Wednesday than I realized. Words seem inadequate here. I pause because in many ways everything else in living everyday life seems slightly off to me. And I am reading at a pace that is healthy and possible for my own well being so many of the posts and news updates and petitions. And then I pause and remember it is my duty to live this day to the best of my ability and be the highest version of myself that I can be. (thanks, Oprah.) And those words seem like a tall order and also bare bones simple if I relax into them.
One of my mama tribe’s birthdays today to celebrate. Oh and also a call from another gentle badass mama angel no longer in my everydays, but still so much a presence in my heart and life. A wink, telegram, postcard. Call it what you will. A reading this morning reminded me to call on my angels. And whatever one believes, they can be a kind soul that opens a door or smiles, an important friend reaching out, the brave people calling others to action and the quiet warriors sending their energy and love out into the world. I have always loved angels which is why I snapped this photo at my favorite museum in Boston. Be one. Request one. Notice one. They are out there doing the big stuff and the smallest of gestures. And so often I reflect and think, “what are the chances…?” when I realize I have been the recipient of one of their gifts and every once in a while, the very fortunate catalyst for a kindness to flow to another soul.
And now I remember why this is my assignment. There is always a bit more when I pause to just let the words flow. Beyond my brain’s initial resistance is an endless river flowing from my heart.
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