March 3, 2017 (day 3)
I’ve been up since o’dark thirty so this will be brief. Planes, trains, and automobiles. One of my favorite people on this planet to greet me at the curb. No pony express here. And as I settle in to this evening time after a lot of hugs and laughter, a lovely meal, flowing and broken conversations with this tribe, corresponding with home and husband and dog walker, I am ready to call it a day. Thank you for safe travel and a blank canvas to fill.
As a dear friend handed me a sweet gift, something unexpected and small and simple, I declared my joy. For me?! This?! We laughed at how it just poured out of me and next I said, “how do you keep joy quiet?” Well, tonight I could not and need not. I get to circle through with dear souls that pick up right where we left off.
Guide us waking and guard us sleeping.
xo b
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